Monday, May 23, 2011


It has been a while since I have blogged. Partly because I have been busy, haven't really known what to write, have been doing other things, have written some things but didn't feel right about posting them, haven't felt as if I could be encouraging because I have been a little down, and didn't want my posts to sound discouraging. There have been some good days, and sadly there have been some pretty rough days. Lately Satan has really been working on my tired, stressed mind to try to break me down. I feel sometimes that he is holding me underwater and I'm struggling to find help to get my head above water. There have been days where I struggled to see the Lord at work, helping me through this. Though there have been some moments where I have been encouraged, it feels lately that there have been more where I have been a little discouraged. There have been different things that have been working on my mind. I struggle with who to share it with or how much to share, I know people are busy and I know I can talk ALOT! The thing is, is I don't have anyone to share things with when I get home. That has truly become a struggle lately, I don't want to bother people. Thankfully the Lord has blessed me with a friend who will message me on Facebook and just let me share my heart completely with her, and she is such a blessing to me. Also, interestingly enough, we had the Seminary graduation at church yesterday. My pastor's father-in-law gave the graduation message. His message to the graduates was "Encourage yourself in the Lord". Could there have been a better message for me? It was so needed to hear these things, even though they were meant for these seminarians and their ministries where they serve and will serve in the future. He gave one example of being a pilot instructor in the service. He shared that many young pilots get nervous about their first time flying through storms. He said that his advice to them is to keep focused on the end goal. Look straight ahead, see the goal and don't turn aside to look at the storms, just keep focused to that end. What a perfect illustration for me to think about...these things that I'm struggling seem like pretty strong storms, but what a great reminder to look straight ahead and not focus on the storms, but on the other side of the storm where the Lord will bring me. Even going back to the analogy of Satan holding me underwater, instead of looking around me to see who will be there and be able to help me get above water, I just need to look up through the splashing and waves and craziness all around me, and look for my Savior who will lift me up and bring me through the craziness.
Lord, help me through these storms, you know how I am about real ones...I hate them. They scare me, I can't wait until they are over. That's pretty much the way I feel about the storms in my life, too. So help me to remember to keep my focus on you through this season of storms. They have been pretty strong, and I'm ready for them to be over, but help me to encourage myself in you. And thank you for the encouragement I have gotten lately from friends, and from messages I have heard. Thank you for that.

1 comment:

  1. You have a friend here in Alabama that thinks of you and prays for you often. I wish we were closer, so I could help you out some, and so we could hangout. I am with you in spirit, and feel free to message me any time...encouraged or discouraged. I have been where you far as taking care of a parent, for a very brief amount of time, and there were days when I felt like I was losing it. I can not imagine having to do it for a long period of time. But you are honoring your Mom, just like the Bible says, and that comes with the promise "that it may be well with thee". So I know it will be :-). Claim that promise, and keep your eye on the goal. I've said it before, and I will say it are such an inspiration to me! I lov you!
