Sunday, June 26, 2011

His way, His time...

There are times...many times in life when we want things done our way and in our time. I am definitely one of those people. I definitely like things done my way. I also like to have things done in my time, I struggle walking behind slow people, it makes me a little crazy. I struggle driving behind cars that aren't even going the speed limit! Don't they know I have someplace to be! :) But hold on, wait, before you judge me, let's think about this...when we go to Subway, don't we want the grinder done OUR way? We get to Starbucks, don't we want the drink made OUR way? We go to a restaurant and if the steak or meal isn't fixed OUR way, don't we send it back for them to fix it...and maybe possibly get at least a free dessert or something out of it? We get to that drive-thru and don't we expect that they will get the order the way WE wanted? Many things in life we like to have go OUR way. And before you are too quick to judge me about my impatience, let's think about this too. Most all of us have microwaves, why? So we can fix things quicker, right? Even waiting for that sometimes seems to take too long. Commercials come on all the time about new things for the kitchen that help make it easier and faster to fix meals. We don't like being put on hold on the phone. We get upset if our computer doesn't get to the page the second we put in the information, we're always looking for faster service. So now that things are put into perspective, we all struggle with wanting things done in our way and our time. We as Christians know that that is not the way the Lord works. He does things in His way..."His thoughts are not our thoughts, His ways are not our ways." He does things in His time..."a thousand years is but a day." This is difficult for finite, human beings....well at least for this one. Prime example...this morning on the way into church I prayed and asked the Lord specifically for some things. I asked Him to help me not to have to deal with certain things or think about certain things, BUT....I guess that wasn't His plan for my morning. Things were brought up this morning that I did have to deal with and think about a couple times over.....that wasn't what I had asked, that wasn't MY way. Since it wasn't my way, it bothered me for most of the morning. But after church one of the things that I did ask for happened. How funny, the Lord did give me what I asked for, but in His time, not mine! Just a hug, just some kind words, just some caring thoughts, someone willing to just let you know they about what you may be going through or feeling, someone willing to stand up for you and help you. Just one of these things can make all the difference. But let me tell you, after that prayer this morning that wasn't answered in my way or my time, God showed me in His way and His time from different people and in ways that I couldn't even imagine. There were about 5 or 6 people today that answered that prayer for me, but it didn't come until His time. One came after church in the morning, the others came at church that night and after church. What a neat blessing to be able to talk to people who really care, who are willing to let me share and just be there for me. I was so overwhelmed to see how He answered in so many ways. I know I will falter with His way and His time again and again........and probably again, that's human, that's REAL, but by His grace, in His way and in His timing, He will give me what I need when I need it!
Lord, I struggled this morning when you didn't seem to hear what I was asking you to help me avoid. But thank you, for in a much bigger and better way, and in YOUR timing showing me more love and support than I even asked for. Thank you for people to share things with, who make me realize it's ok to be real, but who also help me and encourage me that I can be better because of you! Help me remember Your way and Your timing is always best, not easiest, but best!

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