And so it continued both day and night no...oh well, sorry, slipped into Christmas mode for a second. Of course it's not that hard to do since so many places have already had Christmas decorations out for a couple of weeks! I mean, I love Christmas as much as anyone, if not more, but let's have a chance to remember to be thankful first, just for a moment anyway. OK, a little side-tracked there, so now back to the real post, hee hee.
But it really did continue...when I woke up Monday, there was still a cold chill in the air and no lights to greet my eyes. The same morning routine took place since I had already been informed that there would be no school. After our cereal for breakfast (since the milk was still fine), we just went to sit in the living room. I had my phone charging in the car. I hate to admit this, but it seemed that I could smell a little of the exhaust as we sat there listening to the radio. Mom just kept wanting to rest, so that made me nervous, thinking of CO poisoning. I figured it would be a good idea to get out of the house and do something. We got ready, and along with Bella, got into the car to at least drive around or something. This way, I could charge my phone without possibly killing us, we could get warm, find something to eat, and get out of the house to do something. Streets were blocked by trees all around us.

I thought of possibly just going back into West Hartford to see what we could see and do. It was a much different scene from the day before. My town still had nothing going on, 100% of the town was still without power. As I got to South Main Street in West Hartford, there was more traffic than I have ever seen. Not only was there lots of traffic, but it wasn't moving much at all. Some of the cars going in the opposite direction were telling people to turn around because there was no gas at the THREE gas stations up ahead. I couldn't believe that, first of all, were all these people really hoping to get gas?? I wasn't. Thankfully, I had gotten mine the day before! Then, were all three stations really out of gas? Well, since we weren't getting far, I chose to go down a side street and head back the other way. Still driving under trees and wires and around fallen trees everywhere, I ended up going to another town.

That ended up being the best thing. I decided to see if there was any power by the mall in Manchester. There was lots of life over there. Again, there were super long lines for the gas stations, thankfully I already had mine! As I drove farther, it hit me, the perfect place to go would be Evergreen Walk. It's a wonderful, outdoor, walk-around-type mall. The reason it was so perfect for us, is because we had Bella with us, and this is a dog-friendly mall. Not only could Bella walk around freely, but she could also visit some of the shops with me. There are also several benches everywhere, so when mom got tired of walking she could sit out in the sun. We went into L'Occitane because that's where Bella chose to take us first. She enjoyed her time in there, getting a little treat, and then smelling all of the wonderful smells. From that point on, she was pretty much ready to try any store to see if maybe she could get more treats. I also decided to buy some yummy cupcakes from Ganache! We had an amazing time walking around and relaxing in the sun little family. After eating, we went back home for another night of the same. One of the things I started noticing more of that night were the amazing smells of fireplaces and wood stoves going. I love that smell! We had another relaxing, cold night with the candles going, and the radio on...and of course, mom's ice cream.

We continued with another cold night, but under those covers, you would never know.
And it continued more, Tuesday was more of the same, no school, eating cereal for breakfast, driving around, going to Evergreen Walk, walking around, meeting new people and dogs, finding something good to eat, going home, having a nice dinner, bundling up, sitting in the living room with candles glowing, listening to talk radio, and of having her ice cream. Another cold night...would a new day bring about any new developments?
Lord, I know I should probably have been pretty tired of being in the cold and dark, but thank you for helping me to handle it. Thank you for mom, Bella, and I doing OK. Thank you for great places like Evergreen Walk where we could all spend some special times together. The simple life has brought some simple pleasures! Thank you for that!
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