It seems hard to believe that it has been three years since I was able to have the Christmas gift that I had been wanting, and waiting for for over 20 years. Three years ago yesterday Bella came into our lives. Seeing as neither one of my parents ever wanted a dog in the house, this was a definite miracle! It was amazing how things came together. I had hoped and prayed that after pappy died that we could possibly get a dog for the house. I knew it would be a great addition to the house. It would give mom a purpose again, and since it was just the two of us now, I would feel safer having a dog around, plus I've just always really wanted one! I love dogs! A wonderful friend from church, Maria, not only talked to me about what I had been thinking and praying about, she also gave me a couple of great books where I could see some of the pros and cons of the different breeds to see which would be the best fit for us. I learned so much, and had narrowed it down to a few different breeds. I knew it could not be a big dog, mom would never be able to handle that. I don't think mom could handle it if it was a puppy either. I knew that would be hard for both of us. It couldn't be too energetic, needed to be a good companion, a lap dog, also thought it would be good for it to have hair...that way mom couldn't claim (as she had tried to do before) that she was allergic. I had been looking on Petfinder, I had gone to the Humane Society a couple of times. (As a side note: the very first time I went to the Humane Society was about a week after my pappy had passed away. I was home with mom and we had just been doing some different things that day. I thought it would be clever to go look at the different animals, but especially the dogs of course, to see if she would soften to the idea of getting one. As we drove into the parking lot, mom saw the name Humane Society and started getting nervous. She asked if I was bringing her there to put her in there. Aww, I told her of course not, plus it wasn't for people, it was for animals. She said she didn't know, now that my pappy was gone, maybe I was going to put her someplace. Poor thing! Then wouldn't you know it, the only dogs that were there were pit mixes that were barking and jumping a lot! We didn't stay for much for that idea!) I even went to the Puppy House, or something like that and we looked at a couple of dogs and you almost touched one, but I could tell I still wasn't really getting anywhere. Next thing I know, my friend, Maria, took good care of me again! She told me one Wednesday night that her boss was looking to give her dog away because she and her husband were not dog people, and the son who the dog belonged to was in college and was rarely home. The dog spent most of the day in a crate. Maria asked me if I wanted to pray about it, I told her that I had already been praying about it, so I just told her to tell her boss we would take the dog. I couldn't believe what I was saying! But this dog was a Maltese, that means she was small, she had hair (mom couldn't say she was allergic to her), she wasn't a puppy (she was 4), and the very best part.......she was FREE! This just seemed to be the answer to my prayers. I was excited, but didn't know how to tell mom what I had just done. So...I didn't tell her. I tried, believe me, it just never quite came up easily enough. So, here it was December 19, it was the half day left before Christmas break that year and it was also 11 months to the day after pappy died. I was so excited to hear that she was on her way to school, Maria's daughter, Lani, had her and brought her to me. I couldn't help but break down a little when I finally met her and had her in my arms.

My prayers had finally been answered. She came and hung out in the classroom with the kids, in her crate, while we finished our party. I finally brought her home...quite nervously I might add. I didn't know how mom would respond. When I got home she didn't believe me when I said she was ours, she thought I was maybe just dog-sitting for someone. Then the miracle happened! As I was showing mom the gifts from the kids, I put Bella on the bed near us, and not too long after, mom moved her hand and started petting her. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! I didn't even want to breathe so as not to break the spell. From that point on, our little Bella has been the biggest blessing to us! So thankful for the past 3 years with her and pray for many more years ahead.
Thank you, Lord, for working things out in a way that I never would have ever been able to imagine. You truly blessed us! You knew all along this special blessing you had for us, and you knew how much we would fall in love with her. Thank you for the right girl, in the right time, and in a way that you worked out so perfectly. Hmm...maybe I should remind myself of this when I stress or worry about some other things...I'll try.
Awesome! So glad when God does things like that! Having a dog is actually a therapeutic idea for your mom too! I had to laugh when you said... "I didn't tell her. I tried". LOL. I can actually imagine that! I love the pic too! Congratulations! -Deb
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Deb!! Yes, she really has been therapeutic for mom. Lol, no, I never told her, just brought her home! Thankfully it worked for me. :)