1. What is the farthest you have ever traveled away from your home, and what was your purpose in going there? I had the privilege to go to Greece in 2004. It was a Mission's Trip that my church went on. It was such a great trip, we were one of several churches and groups that went from around the U.S. There were over 100 of us there. We had the wonderful opportunity to go during the Olympics in Athens! So, not only were we able to reach the people of Greece with the gospel, we also had the amazing opportunity to reach people from around the world. We handed out hundreds of John and Romans in several different languages! It was so cool! Truly an experience I will never forget!
2. What is your favorite Bible verse?
My favorite verses are Isaiah 26:3-4 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord forever, for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength. These have helped me so many times!
3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Well, I have to say when I was in Greece, one thing I thought was, "Hmm...I could possibly live here." I'm picky with food and I loved the food! They still have some of the same restaurants we have...and... they have Starbucks! Even though it gets super hot (and I hate heat!), it's a dry heat, and a slight breeze makes it feel ok.(I never say things like that, lol) But then I think that I just would like to live somewhere where they get a good amount of snow, because I LOVE snow! :) Weird, I know...totally opposite ideas, eh, that's me, lol.
4. What is one spiritual truth that you have learned (or are still learning) that you wish to share?
The one that the Lord seems to keep trying to teach me is to trust Him. Now don't get me wrong, I do trust Him, but so often I find worrying such a quick easy response, until the Lord reminds me what I'm supposed to be working on. I really started thinking of this fact when my dad got really sick. I even remember talking to my kids at school about learning to trust, that was our unofficial theme that year. He is still trying to teach me to trust Him as I try to take care of my mom. He is helping me, but I'm often a slow learner.
5. Do you prefer to vacation in the mountains, or at the beach?
So funny you ask that! I have said for years, more years than I would like to admit, that if the Lord ever allowed me to get married, I would like to have my honeymoon both places. I would want to spend some time in the mountains enjoying some snow activities, and staying in a super nice cabin. It would be lots of fun, I love snow (have I mentioned that already?? :)! After some winter fun in the mountains I would love to go to Tahiti and stay in one of those overwater bungalows. So, I would have to say both!

6. If you could have lunch with anyone...past or present...famous or not, who would it be?
I would have to say Laura Ingalls Wilder. I'm pretty obsessed with all things Little House! I would love to sit and have her tell me her amazing stories in person. That would be awesome!
7. What is your most prized possession?
There are lots of things that I love and am thankful for, that I consider super special, my Bible of course, my family, and of course my sweet pup!
8. Do you prefer books or movies?
Oh, definitely books. I have to read the books before I can even think about seeing the movies. The books are always better anyway!
9. What is your favorite smell?
Hmmm...that's a tough one, I guess good food like cookies or french fries.
10. What is your favorite sound?
Well, I'm definitely a music nerd, I LOVE music. I even remember a Youth Trip where we were at a family's house and they were playing Beethoven or Mozart or something...some symphony. I sat nearby "directing" the music. I was so into it and enjoying it so much, I didn't realize one of the leaders was video taping me for quite a while. I got to relive it again when they showed the video of our trip to the church when we got back. Embarrassing! I also have to say the sound of a baby's belly laugh is pretty great, too!
That was fun! Thanks, Tricia for tagging me!
Here are my questions:
1. What is your favorite past time?
2. Do you have pets? What kind? What are their names?
3. What is your favorite quote or verse?
4. Do you have children? How many?
5. What is your favorite food?
6. What is a favorite book you have recently read?
7. What is your favorite movie?
8. What is a favorite or most desired vacation spot?
9. Why do you love blogging?
10. What is something important that you have learned?
I'm going to tag:
Linda at Back on the Farm
Latane at Living Life on Main Street
Casey at Miss Casey's Corner
Stacey!! Great answers!! Thanks so much for playing!! I had no idea that you went to Greece! That is so neat! And what an awesome evangelism opportunity! And Laura Ingalls Wilder is on of my favorites as well! I, too, love books, and prefer them over movies EVERY TIME. Thanks again for playing along, and thank you for the sweet things you said about me and my blog! You are very kind! I hope you have a wonderful evening, and a blessed day of worship tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Tricia!! I had lots of fun with this!!! Thanks again for inviting me to play! One of the reasons I love this...we can learn some new and fun things! :) Hope you have a wonderful Sunday as well!
ReplyDeleteStacey, I posted a blog answering your questions and put in a link back to your page! Thank you so much for thinking of me to tag! You are too sweet!
Aww, yay, Casey!! Thanks for joining in! So glad you did, heading over to your blog now to check it out! :)
ReplyDeleteOh Stacey I loved reading your answers, and the Lord spoke to me through them. Your words about worry are very timely for me. The Lord is so good to allow me the blessing of your friendship via blogspot.com!!! I will answer your questions soon and link back to your blog...Blessings!
ReplyDeleteAwww, thank you, Linda!! You are too sweet, and always the biggest encouragement to me! I'm also very thankful the Lord allowed me to find your friendship through blogging! It's been wonderful! I'm looking forward to reading your answers! :) Have a blessed day, my friend!