Thursday, April 21, 2011


I have definitely been feeling overwhelmed lately! Overwhelmingly stressed... overwhelmingly sad... overwhelmingly discouraged... overwhelmingly lonely... overwhelmingly frustrated... overwhelmingly overwhelmed!! The lawn-it looks awful... weeds, crabgrass, barespots, and brown spots...ugh! Need to make a decision on how to handle that. ( I know it seems as if it shouldn't be that big of a deal, but pappy would never have let the lawn look like that. For us it was a good testimony for the neighborhood. So it really does bother me!) The driveway-has some long cracks, not sure if they are serious or not. Do I need to try to find a place to come redo it? The back door-it's been scraping. I just need to contact a friend to come check on it...sometime (that's my problem). The toilet handle-keeps falling off. Just need to check with uncle to have him come check on it, but being over 80, I hate to bother him! The sink in the bathroom-drips, so as I was reminded by a family member, I need to check on that as soon as possible...sometime. The dishes and silverware-not always clean because mom is not as careful about washing them as she used to be, but how do I tell her that? The bills-mine and mom's, have a hard enough time keeping up with mine, how do I take care of hers too? But I need to be better at that. My room-crazy, because I try to hold on to things so mom doesn't have to see them and keep worrying about them, but that's not good for me...or my room. Our dog, Bella-she is so overweight...I have tried to stop letting her lick my plate, but mom hasn't. She also puts some of her food in Bella's bowl. I try to tell her how unhealthy that is, but what else can I do. She also struggles with her back legs at times and worries me. Her vet does know, though. Mom-memory issues, arthritis, sciatic or some back and leg problems...need to set up appointments for eyes, mind, arthritis, back problem, heart...sometime. I'm also supposed to check on an adult day care, even though my mom has no desire to go...ever! I am also supposed to be looking into a walk-in bathtub because a family member thinks that is important to try to get to help with mom's arthritis. Maybe if we don't spend any money for the next 5 years we can think about getting one of these! These things along with other things have not mentioned (school things, friend's things, my own things, health things), it has been easy to get very overwhelmed. The thing is, it is a struggle right now to even know what to say because I am still struggling with all of this. Sometimes it's hard to be positive...
Lord, help me through this overwhelming time. My heart is overwhelmed, so please lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Thank you for always being there.

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